Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1
Asian paradise flycatcher
Binomial Name: Terpsiphone paradisi
While flying in the forest, the milky white bird wags its tail several times longer than its
body, and fascinates anyone. The Asian paradise flycatcher is an uncommon residentinsect-hunting bird of Bangladesh. It usually roams singly or in pairs in almost all categories
of fruit orchards, shady riverside gardens, or mangrove forests across the country. Theyhunt by flying in the shade of trees. The food list includes butterflies, dung beetles,
grasshoppers, and other insects. Their breeding season is from February to July. At this
time, they make nests on tree branches with grass, leaves, and spider webs.
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Giv Mv‡Qi Wv‡j Nvm, jZvcvZv, gvKomvi Rvj w`‡q evmv evbvq|
Birds of the Sundarban I 231

Photo © Foridi Numan


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