Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Black-hooded Oriole
Binomial Name: Oriolus xanthornus
he Black-hooded Oriole is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. They are usually foundsingly or in pairs around rural gardens, forests, and tree houses everywhere in the country.
Sometimes mixed flocks of insectivorous birds also roam around. They look for food inflowers and fruit trees or small bushes. Fruits, honey from flowers, and insects are their
favorite foods. In winter, they are also seen eating Date juice from trees. In the breedingseason from March to August, the eggs are laid in nests made of fiber and cobwebs at the
ends of tree branches.

BwóKzUzg, nj‡cvwL, Kvjvgv_v †e‡beD †Mi ̄Í evwoi Dci w‡q †Rviv‡jv K‡É WvK w‡q D‡o †M‡jv cvwLwU| evwoi †jvKRb‡K †m bvwK e‡j †M‡Q KzUzg Avm‡Q| †Mi ̄Í evwoi Ni-yqvi-D‡Vvb-Avmeve Svo-†gvQ Ki‡Z e ̈ ̄Í Zv †e‡o †h‡Zv
evwoi eD-wS‡i| GgbB wek¦vm wQ‡jv evsjv‡‡ki MÖv‡gi gvby‡li| Avi ZvB Avi K‡i cvwLwUi bvg w‡q‡Q ÔBwóKzUzgÕ| BwóKzUzg evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| †‡ki me©ÎB mvaviYZ
e„¶eûj evwoi Av‡kcv‡k, MÖvgxY evMvb, e‡b GKv ev †Rvovq G‡i †Lv †g‡j| gv‡S gv‡S
cZ½-wkKvix cvwL‡i wgkÖ‡jI Ny‡i †eovq| dzj Ges djMv‡Q wKsev †QvU-eo †Sv‡c Giv Lvevi
†Lvu‡R| Lvev‡ii g‡a ̈ cvKv dj, dz‡ji gay I †cvKvgvKo wcÖq| kxZKv‡j
G‡i‡K MvQ †_‡K †LRy‡ii im †L‡ZI †Lv hvq| gvP© †_‡K AvM÷
gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j Mv‡Qi j¤^v Wv‡ji †klcÖv‡šÍ Avuk I gvKomvi
Rvj w`‡q evmv ˆZwi K‡i wWg cv‡o|

(^232) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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