Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Black-naped Oriole
Binomial Name: Oriolus chinensis
As soon as winter begins, the bird migrates to our country. The Black-naped Oriole is arare migratory bird of Bangladesh. In winter, they usually roam alone, in pairs, or in family
groups in deciduous forests, evergreen forests, rubber plantations, and mangrove forestsof Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, and Sylhet divisions. They feed on flowers and fruit trees.
Ripe fruits, flower honey, and insects are their favorite foods. During the breeding seasonfrom April to June, they lay their eggs in grass and cobwebs on the branches of their native
trees in Southeast and East Asia.

KvjvNvo †e‡beD, KvRj †eŠ
cvwLwUi g~j Avevm fvi‡Zi Av›vgvb I wb‡Kvei ØxccyÄ, gvj‡qwkqv, wm½vcyi, B‡›v‡bwkqv,
wdwjcvBb, ZvBIqvb, cwðg-ga ̈ gvqvbgvi Ges Px‡bi nvBbvb Øxccy‡Ä| kxZKvj ïiæ n‡Z bv
n‡ZB cvwLwU cwihvqb K‡i Avgv‡i †‡k P‡j Av‡m| KvjvNvo †e‡beD evsjv‡‡ki weij cwihvqx cvwL| kxZKv‡j Giv PÆMÖvg, XvKv, Lyjbv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi cvZvSiv eb, wPimeyR eb, ivevi evMvb I g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b mvaviYZ GKv, †Rvovq wKsev cvwievwiK‡j wePiY K‡i|
Giv dzj I djMv‡Q Lvevi †Lvu‡R| cvKv dj, dz‡ji gay I †cvKvgvKo Zv‡i wcÖq Lvevi| GwcÖj †_‡K Ryb gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡jw¶Y-c~e© I c~e© Gwkqvq wbR
Avev‡mi Mv‡Qi Wv‡j Nvm I Avu k gvKomvi Rv‡j Rwo‡q evmv ˆZix K‡i|

Birds of the Sundarban I 233

Photo © Foridi Numan

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