Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

White-throated Fantail
Binomial Name: Rhipidura albicollis
The bird is like a living dancing doll, dancing restlessly in the bushes near the village house.It will appear before your eyes as it dances, and as it dances, it disappears instantly. The
name of the bird is White-throated Fantail. The White-throated Fantail is a common residentsmall insect-eating bird of Bangladesh. It usually roams singly or in pairs in all parts of the
country in light forests, thickets, bamboo forests, or gardens. But it is a rare sighting birdin Dhaka and Sylhet divisions. They fly tirelessly from tree to tree in search of food. A variety
of winged insects are their favorite food. The breeding season of the bird is from March to
August. At this time, several nests are made in tree branches or bamboo shoots slightlyabove the ground, but eggs are laid in one.

PvK-†v‡qj, mvvMjv †jRbvPvwb, ajvMjv QvwZNyivwb,
†hb GKwU RxešÍ bvP-cyZzj| MÖv‡gi evwoi cv‡ki †Sv‡ci †fZ‡i AwekÖvšÍ †b‡P †eovq| cvLvi
g‡Zv †j‡Ri cvjK ̧‡jv gq~‡ii †cLg †g‡j aivi X‡O, GKevi Gcv‡k cigyn~‡Z©B Icv‡k Nywi‡q
Nywi‡q bv‡P| gvbyl‡K fxlY fq cvq, A_P RbemwZi Av‡k-cv‡kB vK‡Z cQ›K‡i| evwoi cv‡ki †Sv‡c bvP‡Z bvP‡Z †Pv‡Li mvg‡b G‡m nvwRi n‡e, Avevi bvP‡Z bvP‡ZB gyn~‡Z©B DavI n‡q hv‡e| PvK-†v‡qj evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK †QvU cZ½-wkKvwi cvwL| †‡ki me wefv‡Mi
nvjKv eb, †Svc, KzÄeb, evukeb wKsev evMv‡b mvaviYZ GKv ev †Rvovq wePiY K‡i| Z‡e XvKv
I wm‡jU wefv‡M GwU weij `k©b cvwL| †Sv‡ci †fZ‡ii †QvU MvQ †
‡K Mv‡Q AwekÖvšÍ
D‡o D‡o Giv Lvev‡ii mÜvb K‡i| bvbv Rv‡Zi WvbvIqvjv cZ½ Zv‡`i wcÖq
Lvevi| cvwLwUi cÖRbb FZz gvP© †‡K AvM÷| Gmgq f~wg †‡K
mvgvb ̈ Dc‡i Mv‡Qi Wvj ev evu‡ki Kw‡Z GKvwaK evmv
evbv‡jI wWg cv‡o GKwU‡Z|
Photo © Foridi Numan


(^236) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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