Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Oriental Magpie Robin
Binomial Name: Copsychus saularis
The Oriental Magpie Robin is a bird seen everywhere in Bangladesh. Oriental Magpie Robinis a common resident bird of Bangladesh. It is also the national bird of Bangladesh. In
Bengali poetry, stories, novels, or children's books, the simile of the bird has appearedmany times. In fallow land, grassy land, gardens, and open drains, they usually search for
food by flying or hopping, singly or in pairs. Their favorite foods are ants, grasshoppers,caterpillars, earthworms, wasps, etc. They also eat flower honey, small soft fruits, or date
juice in winter. Breeding season is from March to July. During this time, they build their
nests in tree trunks or gaps in buildings. Dry grass tips, narrow roots, and soft straws areused as nest-building materials.

v‡qj, ˆqvj, BbvPvwb,BKzwj
v‡qj Ggb GKwU cvwL, hv‡K evsjv‡‡ki meLv‡bB †Lv hvq| †v‡qj evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cZ½-wkKvix cvwL| GwU evsjv‡‡ki RvZxq cvwLI| m~‡h©v‡qi †fv‡i cvwLwU wgwó my‡i viY Mvb †M‡q gvby‡li Nyg fvOvq| evsjv KweZv, Mí, Dcb ̈vm wKsev wkïcv‡V ̈ cvwLwUi Dcgv
G‡m‡Q eûevi| gvby‡li mv‡v‡q‡ji wKsev †v‡q‡ji mv‡ gvby ‡li eû cyi‡bv wgZvjx| fviZxq
Dcgnv‡k mn _vBj ̈vÛ, wdwjcvBb, gvj‡qwkqv, B‡›v‡bwkqv, B‡›vPxbmnw¶Y, c~ e© Ges w¶Y- c~e© Gwkqv ch©šÍ G‡i we ̄Í...wZ Av‡Q| cwZZ Rwg, NvmKvUv Rwg, evMvb, †Lvjv b© gvq Giv mvaviYZ GKv ev †Rvovq †_‡K mvgvb ̈ D‡o wKsev jvwd‡q jvwd‡q Lvevi †Lvu‡R| G‡i
wcÖq Lvevi wcucov, dwos, ïu‡qv †cvKv, †Ku‡Pv, weQv BZ ̈vw`| GQvov
Giv dz‡ji gay, †QvU big dj wKsev kxZKv‡j †LRy‡ii imI Lvq|
cÖRbb †gŠmyg gvP© †_‡K RyjvB| †mg‡q Giv evmv evu‡a Mv‡Qi †KvU‡i
wKsev fe‡bi dvuK‡dvK‡i| evmv evbv‡Z DcKiY wn‡m‡e e ̈envi
K‡i ïK‡bv Nv‡mi wPKb WMv, miæ wkKo I big LoKz‡Uv|
Photo © Foridi Numan


(^238) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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