Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

White-rumped Shama
Binomial Name: Copsychus malabaricus
The White-rumped Shama has a reputation as a songbird with a sweet melody. It hidesaround settlements and sings to people. People of this country love this bird very much.
The name of this beautiful bird with a long tail is found in various similes throughout Bengaliliterature. The White-rumped Shama is a common resident insectivorous bird of
Bangladesh. The secretive bird is very shy and prefers to hide. They usually roam alone orin pairs in all the forests of the country's divisions. They prefer deep forests. They look for
food by turning over the leaves lying on the ground. Their diet includes ground insects and
their larvae. The breeding period is from March to August. At this time, they make a nestwith soft roots and leaves in the bark of trees or bamboo and lay eggs.

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Photo © Foridi Numan

Birds of the Sundarban I 239

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