Dark-sided Flycatcher
Binomial Name: Muscicapa sibirica
The Dark-sided Flycatcher is a rare migratory insect-eating bird of Bangladesh. In winter,the bird is found in Northeast India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Japan, South China,
Tibet, and many countries in Southeast Asia. Found in almost all forests of Dhaka, Khulna,and Sylhet divisions of Bangladesh. They are solitary in winter. They eat flying insects that
fly to the tops of trees. They can catch and eat insects even in the dark. Nests on treebranches are usually in May-July with cobwebs and algae.
Kvjvcvk PzUwK, SzjiOv PUK
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Rvcvb, w¶Y Pxb, wZeŸZ I
Gwkqvi A‡bK †‡k cvwLwU‡K †
Lv hvq|
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Wv‡j evmv K‡i|
Birds of the Sundarban I 247
Photo © Faruk Hossan