Black Redstart
Binomial Name: Phoenicurus ochruros
The Black Redstart is a rare migratory insect-hunting bird of Bangladesh. The bird comesto our country in winter. They are native birds of Northwest Africa, Great Britain, and Ireland.
In addition, the bird has a global distribution from southern Morocco, east to central China,southern and central Europe, and Asia. In winter, it is found in almost all divisions of
Bangladesh except Barisal. They roam singly or in pairs along the arable land or scrubforest to hunt and gather food from the ground. Favorite food is insects, small fruits, seeds,
especially dung beetles. The breeding period is from May to August. At this time, they make
nests in cracks in rocks or in buildings with moss, grass, hair, and feathers and lay eggs.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 249
Photo © Foridi Numan