Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Myna
Binomial Name: Acridotheres tristis
The Common Myna is a very quarrelsome bird, fighting among themselves almost all thetime. This Common Myna is known to everyone in the country and is a common resident
bird of Bangladesh. It is found everywhere from villages to cities, towns and ports all overthe country. Although found in the forest, they prefer to stay close to the locality. They are
gregarious birds, usually roaming in family groups of 5-6 birds. Sometimes it joins mixedgroups of other species to form large flocks. They are omnivorous; Eats fruits, grains,
insects, flower juice, scraps, nuts and seeds. They also feed on date palm juice in groups
during winter. In March-April, they make messy nests with straw, leaves, roots and garbagein tree trunks, building cornices, electrical poles, tree trunks.

fvZ kvwjK
fvZ kvwjK fxlY KjnwcÖq cvwL, cÖvq mviv¶YB wb‡R‡i g‡a ̈ SMov-weev †j‡MB v‡K| †‡ki mevi Kv‡QB cwiwPZ GB fvZ kvwjK evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| ïay evsjv‡‡kiB bq, cvwLwU cy‡iv Gwkqv gnv‡‡kiB AvevwmK cvwL| mviv‡`‡ki MÖvgMÄ †‡K ïiæ K‡i kni, bMi,
e›i meLv‡bB cvIqv hvq| R½‡j cvIqv †M‡jI Giv g~jZ †jvKvj‡qi KvQvKvwQ _vK‡Z †ewk cQ› K‡i| Giv je× cvwL, mvaviYZ 5-6wU cvwLi cvwievwiK‡j wePiY K‡i| gv‡S gv‡S
Ab ̈ kvwj‡Ki wgkÖ ‡j †hvM w‡q eo SvuK ˆZix
K‡i| Giv me©f~K; dj, km ̈vbv, †cvKv, dz ‡ji im, Dw”Qó, gywo, PvbvPzi, evvg meB Lvq|
kxZKv‡j †LRyi Mv‡Qi imI Lvq| gvP©-
GwcÖ‡j Mv‡Qi †KvUi,
fe‡bi Kvwb©k, ˆey ̈wZK LyuwU, Mv‡Q evav Kj‡m Lo, cvZv, wkKo I AveR© bv w‡q
A‡MvQv‡jv evmv ˆZix K‡i|

(^256) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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