Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Daurian Starling, Purple-backed Starling
Binomial Name: Agropsar sturninus
The Daurian Starling is a vagrant passage migrant bird in Bangladesh. The bird is nativeto eastern Mongolia, southeast Russia, North Korea, and central China. They prefer to roam
in flocks in temperate forests. They are gregarious birds, usually in family groups, and joinlarge flocks of other starlings, to make noise. But they become separated and spread so
much during migration that it becomes almost difficult to find them. There is not enoughinformation about Daurian Starling in Bangladesh. The bird was first seen in the Sundarban
Herbaria in 2009. It is said that the bird has been seen in other places in the country,
including Dhaka, Madhupur, and Sylhet.
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Gici XvKv, gaycyi, wm‡jUmn †‡ki Av‡iv wKQz hvqMvq †Lv †M‡Q|

Photo © Timu Hossain

passage migrant

Birds of the Sundarban I 259

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