Great Tit
Binomial Name: Parus major
The Great Tit is a common resident small insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. Rooms in alldivisional forests, orchards, plantations, rural forests, deciduous forests, and mangrove
forests. They search for food singly or in pairs, sometimes in mixed flocks of smallinsectivorous birds. They feed on insects, seeds, flower buds, or juicy fruits in bushes,
branches, and leaves. Sometimes it goes to the ground. Breeding season is from March toJune. During this time, they make nests with moss, fur, and hair in trees, buildings, river
bank holes, abandoned kingfisher, or rat holes.
eo wZZ, eb Po–B, ivgM½v
eo wZZ evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK †QvU cZ½fzK cvwL| me wefv‡Mi e‡bi KvQvKvwQ, evMvb, Avevw
Rwg, MÖvgxY eb, cvZvSiv eb I g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b wePiY K‡i| GKv ev †Rvovq, KL‡bv
Acivci cZ½fzK †QvU cvwLi wgkÖ‡jI †hvM w
‡q Lvevi †Lvu‡R| Giv †Sv‡ci g‡a ̈ Aev Mv‡Qi
Wvj, cvZv †‡K †cvKvgvKo, exR, dz‡ji Kzuwo wKsev imv‡jv dj Lvq| gv‡S-g‡a ̈ f~wg‡ZI
bv‡g| cÖRbbKvj gvP© †_‡K Ryb| Gmgq Giv MvQ, feb, bx cv‡oi MZ©, gvQivOv wKsev Bu
cwiZ ̈³ M‡Z© k ̈vIjv, ckg I Pzj w`‡q evmv evbvq|
(^262) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan