Barn Swallow
Binomial Name: Hirundo rustica
Surah Al-Fil of the Holy Quran Sharif mentions about Ababil bird. In Arabic, however,'Ababeel' does not refer to a specific bird but to a flock of birds. The world Muslim
community has a considerable passion for the bird due to its description in the Quran.Ababil, or this Barn Swallow, is a rare resident and common migratory bird of Bangladesh.
Barn Swallow is a very busy bird; he doesn't have time to sit still. It flies all the time. Theyusually roam in flocks throughout the country, in open farmland or mangrove forests. Flying
insects are their food. For this reason, it catches and eats prey by flying over crops or water.
The breeding period is from March to July. At this time, they make nests in the gaps ofbuildings or under the roof by filling grass, straw, and feathers with mud.
cvwZ Avevwej
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Birds of the Sundarban I 263
Photo © Foridi Numan