Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Red-whiskered Bulbul
Binomial Name: Pycnonotus jocosus
The Red-whiskered Bulbul is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. Generally roams inpairs or isolated groups in forests, orchards, orchards, bushes of all divisions. They eat
fruits, flower buds, flower sap, soft-bodied insects, ants and spiders. Breeding season isMarch to September. At the same time, dead leaves of low bushes or vines are wrapped
in spider webs and make nests by spreading roots, grass or hair.
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cÖvPxY ˆmb ̈‡i wki ̄¿v‡bi g‡Zv †L‡Z SzUKzwji SyuwU| ˆmwbK‡i g‡ZvB fxlY mvnmx †hv×vI e‡U| hy×Uv wkKvix cvwLi weiæ‡×Ñ Zvi AvKvi ev kw³ hvB †nvK bv †K‡bv evmvi Av‡kcv‡k wkKvix cvwL G‡jB †m †Z‡o hvq| Zvi mvn‡m fimv cvq Ab ̈ cvwLivI, †RvUe× n‡q jovB K‡i wkKvix cvwLi weiæ‡×| Giv gvbyl‡KI c‡ivqv K‡i bv,yóz †Q‡jiv evmvi Kv‡Q wfo‡jB wPrKvi
†PuPv‡gwP Ki‡Z v‡K, iKvi n‡j VzK‡i †q| SzUKzwj evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| me wefv‡Mi eb, evMvb, d‡ji evMvb, †Sv‡c mvaviYZ †Rvov wKsev wew”Qbœ‡j wePiY K‡i| Giv
dj, dz‡ji Kzuwo, dz‡ji im, †Kvgj †`‡ni †cvKv, wcucov I gvKomv Lvq| cÖRbbKvj
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‡K †m‡Þ¤^i| Gmgq wbPz †Svc wKsev jZvq giv cvZv gvKomvi Rv‡j
Rwo‡q wkKo, Nvm ev Pzj wewQ‡q evmv evbvq|

Birds of the Sundarban I 267


Photo © Foridi Numan

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