Zitting Cisticola
Binomial Name: Cisticola juncidis
The Zitting Cisticola is a small herbivorous bird. Although calm in nature, it is quite a fickleand restless bird. The Zitting Cisticola is a common resident bird in the bird list of
Bangladesh. They usually roam in pairs or isolated flocks in arable land, meadows, andmarshes across the country. They look for food in grass, reeds, and rice paddies. Their
favorite foods are small grasshoppers, dung beetles, ants, caterpillars, spiders, and grassseeds. Breeding is from March to July, but there may be two or more breeding seasons
depending on the environment and region.
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†ewk cÖRbb †gŠmyg n‡Z cv‡i|
Birds of the Sundarban I 269
commonresident Photo © Foridi Numan