Plain Prinia
Binomial Name: Prinia inornata
Plain Prinia is a small bird that roams in the grasslands. They are more common ingrasslands or common reed forests, especially near canals or marshlands. Sitting on the
tip of tall grass, swaying and singing in tune with the wind. The Plain Prinia is a commonresident bird of Bangladesh. They usually roam in pairs or small flocks in small bushes, tall
grasses, paddy fields, thickets, and mangroves throughout the country. Moves from oneend of the bushes or tall grass to the other in search of
food. Grasshoppers, dung beetles, weevils,
ants, spiders, and honeydew are their food.During the October nesting season, make
spider webs and vegetable roots.nests in low bushes or grasses by entwining
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(^270) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan