Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Tailorbird
Binomial Name: Orthotomus sutorius
The Common Tailorbird is a familiar and beloved little bird of Bangladesh, a Commonresident bird of Bangladesh. The bird can be seen from flower trees in the backyards of
towns, cities, and villages to forest edges, small bushes, gardens, and even up to 1800meters in the mountains. They usually forage in pairs or family groups near villages,
wastelands, bushes, and forests. At the end of winter, it sits on the branches of mango orother fruit trees or behind the leaves and collects food from the buds. Tiny insects and
their larvae and bud honey are their favorite foods. The Common Tailorbird's nest is not
very high. They prefer small shrubs or bushes for nesting. A nest comprises cobwebs, softfeathers, and cotton by joining the ends of one or two drooping leaves.

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cvwievwiK `‡j MÖvg, cwZZ Rwg, †Svc I e‡bi Kv‡Q Lvevi †Lvu‡R| kx‡Zi †k‡l Avg ev Ab ̈me
d‡ji Mv‡Qi Wv‡j ev cvZvi Avov‡j e‡m gyKzj †
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cvjK I Zzjv wewQ‡q evmv evbvq|

(^272) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Shafiullah Hares

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