Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Large-billed Reed Warbler
Binomial Name: Acrocephalus orinus
Allan Octavian Hume first discovered this bird in India in 1867. After 138 years, in 2006,some ornithologists in Kolkata found the bird again. In 2007, Birdlife International branded
this little bird as 'the world's least known bird.' In 2009, a bird breeding area was foundin Afghanistan, and after research, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan were identified as breeding
areas. Its nest was found in 2011 in the Panj River valley in Tajikistan. It was founded onDecember 7, 2011, in Baikka Bill, Srimangal, Bangladesh. Data from Afghanistan and
Kazakhstan suggest that they breed in Central Asia. Plumage observations suggest that
this species migrates through the Himalayas to northern India and Southeast Asia in winter.This photo of the bird was taken on March 31, 2022, from Jamtala in Sundarban.

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Birds of the Sundarban I 273

Photo © Foridi Numan
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