Thick-billed warbler
Binomial Name: Iduna aedon
The thick-billed warbler is native to the eastern Palearctic region from southern Siberia towestern Mongolia. The bird takes shelter in South Asia and Southeast Asia, including our country,
for warmth and food when the temperature in those regions decreases in winter. The Thick-billed warbler is a rare migratory insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. The bird is not found
everywhere in the country. In winter, it usually roams in long grass forests, waterside thickets,light forest thickets, mangrove forests, reed forests, and wetlands of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna,
and Sylhet Divisions. It wanders around these places and eats flying insects. Breeds in thickbushes and forests of its native land from June to July.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 275
Photo © Foridi Numan