Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Dusky Warbler
Binomial Name: Phylloscopus fuscatus
The Dusky Warbler, a small bird, wanders between the gaps in the leaves. In winter, whenthe temperature of their original habitat in Europe, North Africa, and the Eastern Palearctic
region of Northeast Asia starts to decrease, they migrate to the countries of South Asiaand Southeast Asia, including our country, with their small wings. The Dusky Warbler is a
common migratory insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. In winter, they generally roam alonein the bushes and forests of all divisions. The diurnal bird can also sing beautifully. Insects
are their main food. Breeds by making nests with dry grasses and fibers of the original
habitat during summer.

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(^276) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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