Yellow-browed Warbler
Binomial Name: Phylloscopus inornatus
The Yellow-browed Warbler is a bird of the Eastern Palaearctic region. In winter they migrateto tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia including our country. The Yellow-browed Warbler
is a common migratory insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. Found in Chittagong, Dhaka,Khulna, Rajshahi and Sylhet divisions during winter. They mix with other warblers and
usually roam in thickets, scrub, gardens, mangrove forests and open forests. From talltrees to low bushes and even down to the ground in search of food. Insects, ants or spiders
are their favorite food. Breeds in the forest of its native land from May to July.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 277
Photo © Foridi Numan