Large-billed Leaf Warbler
Binomial Name: Phylloscopus magnirostris
The Large-billed Leaf Warbler is native to central China and southern India near theHimalayas, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. They appear in different forests of Khulna and Sylhet
divisions of Bangladesh before the start of winter season. At this time, they wander alonein the leafy or mixed forest by the river and eat flying insects in the gaps between the
leaves of the forest vegetation. The Large-billed Leaf Warbler is a rare passage migrantbird of Bangladesh. During the breeding season of June-August, they build their nests with
moss, leaves, lichens and ferns in the fallen trees or rocks of the river banks.
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(^278) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan
passage migrant