Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Greenish Warbler
Binomial Name: Phylloscopus trochiloides
The Greenish Warbler is a common migratory insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. They arenative to northeastern Europe and temperate to subtropical continental Asia. The bird is
found in winter in almost all types of forests and wooded areas of all divisions, orchards,mixed forests, fruit orchards, scrub and mangroves adjacent to cultivated land. During this
time they usually roam in mixed flocks with other insectivorous birds. Feeds on the leavesof trees or bushes and eats insects. May to August is their breeding season. Then they
make nests by spreading feathers on the roots of trees or mosses, leaves, lichens and
small roots in their homes.

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Birds of the Sundarban I 279

Photo © Foridi Numan

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