Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Pin-striped tit-babbler, Yellow-breasted babbler
Binomial Name: Macronus gularis
The former Striped tit-babbler is divided into 2 species, Pin-striped tit-babbler (gularis) and Bold-striped tit-babbler (Macronus bornensis). The bird is a common residentMacronus
bird of our country. They roam in thickets or thickets inside mangrove forests, open andbroad-leaved evergreen forests of almost all divisions of the country. Scrambles through
foliage, looking for insects or juicy fruits for food. They build nests and lay eggs during thebreeding season from April to July.

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(^280) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Shafiullah Hares

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