Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Jungle Babbler
Binomial Name: Turdoides striatus
Abbott's Babbler is a shy songbird. Common resident birds of Bangladesh. Althoughresidents, the bird is only seen in some places in the country. They usually roam in thickets
of moist broad-leaved evergreen forests of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Sylhet divisions,mangrove forests, or rural gardens in the southern part of the country. They usually roam
singly or in pairs to find and eat insects and their larvae on leaves and twigs of bushesnear the ground. They also sing in a melodious tune. April to July is their breeding season.
At this time, they make nests in the base of palm leaves, bushes, and other plants.

mvZfvqjv, mvZ fvB, eb QvZv‡i
e‡bi †hLvb Qvqv”Qbœ Kg Av‡jv v‡K, †ewkifvM mgq mvZfvqjv cvwL‡`i‡K †mLv‡bB GKmv‡
Lv hvq ˆn ˆP Ki‡Q| †KD e‡j Giv mviv¶Y SMov K‡i, Avevi KviI KviI aviYv Giv GKRb Lvev‡ii †LvuR †c‡j Ab ̈‡i‡KI fvM †qvi Rb ̈ kã K‡i †W‡K †bq| mvZfvqjv evsjv‡‡ki
myjf AvevwmK MvqK cvwL| †‡ki cÖvq me wefv‡Mi cvZvSiv eb, evMvb, Avevw Rwg, †Sv‡c
je× n‡q GKmv‡_ 8-12wUi cvwievwiK‡j wePiY K‡i| cÖvq mevB wg‡j mviv¶Y Aby”P ̄^‡i
K ̈v.. K ̈v.. K ̈v K‡i Wv‡K| e‡bi Qvqv‡Niv GjvKvi m ̈vuZ‡m‡Z f~wg‡Z cvZv ev AveR©bv D‡ë
Lvevi †Lvu‡R| bvbvai‡Yi †cvKvgvKo km ̈vbv, imv‡jv dj, exR I dz‡ji gay Zv‡i wcÖq
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wWg cv‡o| cwiev‡ii mKj m`m ̈ wg‡j-wg‡k msmvi mvgjvq|

(^282) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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