Sand Lark
Binomial Name: Calandrella raytal
The Sand Lark is a rare resident insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. Found on the coast,sandbanks, or riverbeds of Dhaka, Rajshahi, and Khulna Divisions. Usually singly, in pairs,
or in small flocks, walking on the sands and riverbanks in search of food. Insects and seeds
are their food. The bird likes dust baths very much. He sings in a low voice and imitatesother birds' songs. Breeding season is from February to May. At this time, they make nests
in grass bushes or in hollows of the river and lay eggs.
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xi P‡i Nv‡mi †MvQvi gvSvgvwS wKsev
f~wgi †Lv`‡j evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 287
Photo © Shafiullah Hares