Purple-rumped Sunbird
Binomial Name: Nectarinia zeylonica
The Purple-rumped Sunbird is a common resident honey-eater songbird of Bangladesh.They fly from flower to flower, eating honey and singing. Not only do they eat the nectar of
flowers, but the flowers do not produce fruit without pollination; the bird also does pollinationlike other insects, including bees. In the Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna and Sylhet divisions of
Bangladesh, the bird is usually seen in pairs in the forests or gardens where the trees
flower. Although honey is their main preference, they also eat insects. Although the breedingseason is from March to May, they can be seen building nests and laying eggs throughout
the year.
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(^292) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan