Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Pale-billed Flowerpecker
Binomial Name: Dicaeum
The Pale-billed Flowerpecker is the smallestbird in Bangladesh. Only 8 cm in length and
6.3 grams in weight. The Pale-billedFlowerpecker is a common resident bird of
Bangladesh. Found in deciduous forests,
plantation forests, orchards and mangroveforests throughout the country. They forage
singly, in pairs or in small scattered groupsand usually feed on the succulent fruits of
parasitic plants. Although the bird is shy and
fearful, it can sing sweetly in a low voice.January to September is their breeding
season. At this time, they make a small nestin the branches covered with leaves and lay

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cvZv XvKv Wv‡j †QvÆ evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|


Photo © Shafiullah Hares
Birds of the Sundarban I 293

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