Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Binomial Name: Dicaeum cruentatum
The Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. Not all overthe country - sometimes they roam alone and sometimes in pairs in the broad-leaf forests,
evergreen forests, mangrove forests or fruit orchards of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna andSylhet divisions. They search for food by moving from one tree to another or between
bushes. Honey from flowers and small juicy fruits are its favourite foods, but insects arealso eaten. During the breeding season from April to August, they make nests in the thick
leaves of trees and lay eggs.
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KLbI †Rvovq wePiY K‡i| GK MvQ †‡K Ab ̈ Mv‡Q wKsev †Sv‡ci g‡a ̈ Ny‡i Ny‡i Giv Lvevi
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AvM÷ gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j Mv‡Qi Nb cvZvi g‡a ̈ Giv evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

(^294) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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