Foridi Numan is known as a professional painter.Studied Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka. So
far, he has done at least a thousand book covers andillustrations. Along with painting, he has been
working as a wildlife photographer for almost twodecades. Founder of the 'Faridpur Bird Club.'
He has been involved in writing and journalism sincehis student days. Apart from private television, he
has worked in leading national daily, weekly,fortnightly, and monthly newspapers of the country.
He also produced video documentaries. His firstbook 'Musafir Man'[The traveler's mind], was
published in 2010; his second book Sundarban'[Our Sundarban], in 2017 and his third'Amader
book [Encountering Tiger in Sundarban] in 2022.'Sundarbone Bagher Mukhomukhi'
Foridi Numan's ancestral home is in the Shuktailvillage of Gopalganj on the banks of the Madhumati
river. He was born on the other side of the river inthe maternal uncle's house of Mollarhat in Baraguni
village. Adolescence memorial on the banks of thebeloved river Madhumati took him in. He used to
hang out with friends in monsoon bill, watercourseMadhumati, or silent forest. That childhood love
developed with nature is still there; Explore theforest-river-sea around the country with a camera.
Forests and wildlife, especially the Sundarban, arehis favorite subjects.
Foridi Numan's father is the eminent educationistPrincipal Muniruzzaman Faridi of Faridpur, and the
mother is Syeda Fatima Munir. He is the third of tensiblings. He lives in Mirpur, Dhaka, with his wife,
Syeda Nasrin Sultana, and two sons, ShowravZaman and Shahir Zaman.
About the Author