Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Lesser Whistling-duck, Lesser Whistling Teal
Binomial Name: Dendrocygna javanica
The Lesser Whistling-duck and Fulvous Whistling-duck look similar, but the LesserWhistling-duck is smaller. Lesser Whistling-duck is a common resident bird of Bangladesh.
Many migratory Lesser Whistling ducks come to this country in winter. In fens andwaterways all around the country, huge flocks can be seen. They search for food by dipping,
swimming, or walking on submerged land at night. The food list includes aquatic weeds,weevils, cereals, small dead fish, insects, and marine invertebrates.

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K‡i| iv‡Z RjgMœ Rwg‡Z Aí Wze w‡q, mvuZ‡i ev †nu‡U Giv Lvevi †Luv‡R| Lvevi ZvwjKvq Av‡Q RjR AvMvQv, KwPKvÛ, km ̈vbv, giv †QvU gvQ, †cvKvgKo I RjR A‡giæ`Ðx cÖvYx| Ryb †_‡K
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jZvcvZv I Nvm ̄‘c K‡i evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 33


Photo © Foridi Numan
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