Birds of the Sundarban I 35
Northern Shoveler
Binomial Name: Anas clypeata
For its strangely shaped lips, much like a shovel, It has been named the Northern Shoveler.
This bird, a native of the cold countries of North Asia, migrates to our country in winter.From September to December, it appears in the estuaries of rivers and haors of the country,
including the Sundarban. The Northern Shoveler is a common migratory bird in Bangladesh.Its main roaming area is the muddy area. The Northern Shoveler has quite a social life.
They move in pairs or groups. Migrants even mingle with other ducks.
Ly‡šÍnuvm, cvšÍvgywL
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Rjvf~wgi KvQvKvwQ m ̈vuZ‡mu‡Z gvwU‡Z Nvm-jZv wewQ‡q evmv evbvq, wWg cv‡o|
Photo © Foridi Numan