Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Teal, Eurasian teal
Binomial Name: Anas crecca
Common Teal is a small duck of the Palearctic region. The duck migrates to our country inwinter. It is a common migratory bird in the bird list of Bangladesh. In winter, it is seen in
rivers, lakes, lagoons, haors, and mudflats of all divisions. They usually join mixed flocks ofother ducks and dip their heads in shallow water to search for food. Aquatic plants and
seeds are their favorite food. During the breeding season from April to August, the nestsare laid in grassy areas near water bodies and wetlands in Siberia.

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kxZKv‡j me wefv‡Mi bx, n«, †j ̧b, nvIi, KvvP‡i †Lv
hvq| mvaviYZ Ab ̈ nvu‡mi wgkÖ Svu‡K wg‡k AMfxi cvwb‡Z gvv
Wzwe‡q Giv Lvevi †Lvu‡R| RjR jZvcvZv, exR Zv‡`i wcÖq
Lvevi| GwcÖj †
‡K AvM‡÷i cÖRbbKv‡j mvB‡ewiqvi
Rjvkq I ev`vf~wgi cv‡k jZvcvZvq XvKv f~wg‡Z evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

Photo © Foridi Numan


(^36) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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