Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Binomial Name: Anas strepera
In Bangladesh, it is a migratoryduck that travels during the
winter. Early autumn marked thestart of the migration from
Central Asia, Europe, andsouthern Siberia. It takes shelter
in rivers, reed beds, extensive
marshes, or coastal wetlands. Thesevery quiet ducks are in harmony with
other species of migratory ducks. Seeds,grass tips, and aquatic insects are their favorite
foods. The breeding season runs from May to August.
During this time, they build nests in the ground or bushes with dried grass-herbs-feathers near water bodies in Central Asia, Europe, and southern Siberia.

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‡K AvM÷ cÖRbbKvj| Gmgq ga ̈ Gwkqv, BD‡ivc
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(^42) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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