Binomial Name: Netta rufina
A medium-sized diving duck, TheRed-crested Pochard is endangered
worldwide and is an uncommonmigratory bird in Bangladesh. Haor
in Dhaka, Rajshahi, and Sylhet isseen in winter. The Red-crested
Pochard can be found in extensivemarshes, marshlands, large
reservoirs, and rivers. Looking forfood by swimming in the water or by
dipping the throat in a bit of water.The diet list includes herbs, buds,
shoots, aquatic grasses, weedseeds, insects, tiny snails, and
amphibians. They can fly fast, getup from the water and fly when
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exR, †cvKvgvKo, ÿz`ª kvgyK RvZxq
cÖvYx I e ̈vOvwP|
Birds of the Sundarban I 49
Photo © Foridi Numan