Ruddy Shelduck
Binomial Name: Tadorna ferruginea
The Ruddy Shelduck is a common migratory birdin Bangladesh. These ducks are always in pairs,
and their bond is powerful. The Ruddy Shelduckroams in small flocks on sedimentary shores, lakes,
large river beds, and extensive marshes.Sometimes they look for food in
the mud or wet grasslands.
Their diet list is quitelong—grains, sprouted
plants, soft leaves,shrimp and crabs,
snails, aquatic insects,
earthworms, frogs,reptiles, Etc.
Lqiv PLvPwL, PLvPwL
evsjv m½xZ mvwn‡Z ̈i A‡bK
Dcgvq Ry‡o Av‡Q PLvPwLi K_v| Lqiv
PLvPwL evsjv‡‡ki myjf cwihvqx cvwL| PLvPwL ej‡Z Avm‡j GKwUgvÎ nuvm‡K †evSvq bv, GK‡Rvov nuvm‡K †evSvq| GB nuvm ̧‡jv memgq †Rvovq _v‡K Ges G‡
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cvjwjK DcK~j, n«, eo b
xi Pi I nvI‡o †QvU †QvU
Suv‡K wePiY K‡i| KL‡bv KvvgvwU‡Z wKsev KL‡bv Av
ª© Z...Yf~wg‡Z Lvevi †Luv‡R| G‡i Lv
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j¤^vÑ mk ̈vbv, A¼zwiZ Dw™¢
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KuvKovRvZxq cÖvYx, kvgyK, RjR †cvKvgvKo, †Ku‡Pv,
e ̈vO, mixm„c BZ ̈vw`|
Birds of the Sundarban I 51
Photo © Foridi Numan