Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker
Binomial Name: Dendrocopos macei
The Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker is the common resident bird of Bangladesh. It can beseen almost everywhere in the country, including the Sundarban. Although they are not
looking for food, for behavioral reasons, they wield a hard beak like an ax on the tree andinjure the tree to show their position. Alone or in pairs, sometimes the whole family jumps
from tree to tree. Not easily land on the ground. It usually prefers to eat tree ants, ant eggs,pupae, scorpions, and flower honey. During the breeding season from April to May, they
dig holes in the tree's trunk and build their nests.
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†‡K †g gv‡mi cÖRbb †gŠmy‡g Mv‡Qi Kv‡Ð wb‡Riv MZ© evwb‡q evmv K‡i| Photo © Foridi Numan
Birds of the Sundarban I 55