Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Streak-throated Woodpecker
Binomial Name: Picus xanthopygaeus
The streak-throated woodpecker is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh. It's found inopen deciduous forests, dry dipterocarp forests, semi-evergreen, sal, and mixed bamboo
forests; it also occurs in secondary growth, sparsely wooded park-like country, teak andparticularly rubber plantations, and tea estates. They find food by wrapping tree trunks or
jumping on the ground. Ants, termites, beetles, flowers, and fruit juices are their favorite foods.Their breeding season is from January to June. At this time, they build their nests by making
holes in the upward branches of the tree.

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`yj©f `k©b AvevwmK cvwL| Giv
cvZvSiv eb, cÖk ̄Í cvZvi eb,
ev`veb, evMvb I †jvKvj‡q GKv
ev †Rvovq wePiY K‡i| Mv‡Qi KvÐ
Rwo‡q A_ev gvwU‡Z jvwd‡q
jvwd‡q Lvevi Lyu‡R †eovq| wcucov,
DuB‡cvKv, ̧e‡i †cvKv, dzj I
d‡ji im G‡`i wcÖq Lvevi|
Rvbyqvwi †_‡K Ryb gv‡mi
cÖRbb FZz‡Z Mv‡Qi
DשgyLx Wv‡j †KvUi ˆZix
K‡i evmv evwb‡q wWg

(^68) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Shafiullah Hares

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