Greater Coucal
Binomial Name: Centropus sinensis
The greater coucal is another cousin of the cuckoo. People used to get scared when theyheard the weighty call. Some consider its use a sign of bad luck. Although he is a relative
of the cuckoo, he is not as lazy or cunning as the cuckoo. He does not lay eggs in otherbirds' nests. The greater coucal is a terrestrial resident bird of Bangladesh. Seen in rural,
forested areas of all divisions. They roam freely in the forest along the banks of the canalsof the Sundarban.
eo Kz‡ev, KvbvKzqv, Kz°v
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w`‡q evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
(^96) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan