Mysterious Ways – August 2019

(Brent) #1



yer in me wouldn’t have it. As some-
one ruled by logic, I thought all that
spiritual stuff was a bunch of
starched, hypocritical baloney.
I might’ve persisted in that belief
and kept right on drinking to an early
death. Except, right when I needed
it, a series of inexplicable events
changed my mind—and saved me.

A Presence
Only a week into sobriety, I faced my
first existential challenge. I came
home from an AA meeting consumed
by the desire to drink. I paced my
the deli for a six-pack. Who would
ever know?
I called Chuck, an AA veteran who’d
taken me under his wing.
“I think I’m going to drink,” I blurt-
ed out to him.
Chuck gave me three suggestions:
“Eat some chocolate. Take a hot
bath. And then get down on your
knees and ask God to keep you
from drinking.”
but soon the craving was back, as
strong as ever.
That left option three. I had no
desire to pray. I resented Chuck’s
suggestion—as if that would actually
help! But I was desperate.
Ducking beneath the apartment
window, where people might see
me, I knelt and lowered my head to
the rug. I felt like a fool. “Please help
me,” I mumbled.
A wave of peace washed over
me. All the fears and insecurities I’d
spent years dousing with alcohol
vanished. Deep in my soul, I knew

that somehow everything in my
chaotic life would turn out okay. My
body went limp with relief.
I opened my eyes to crawl toward
my futon. The room was permeat-
ed by a warm, white light, which
seemed to come from everywhere
and nowhere.
I pulled myself onto the futon and
lay down. A gentle hand stroked
my back. Under any other circum-
stance, that experience would have
freaked me out. I just lay there, feel-
ing loved and held. Thirty years
later, I still tear up thinking about it.
The desire to drink was gone.
I closed my eyes and fell into the
deepest, most refreshing sleep I
have ever had.
When I awoke, I wondered about
what I’d experienced. Had it been
real? A hallucination brought on by
alcohol withdrawal? I tried to brush
shake the sense that I’d experi-
enced something profound.

An Intervention
perience, I was on the road for work,
meeting clients I’d always liked be-
cause some of them were big drink-
ers like me.
Determined to stay sober, I didn’t
miss an A A meeting before the trip
and had long talks with my sponsor.
“Remember,” a speaker said at
one of the meetings, “you can always
ask a hotel clerk not to give you
the minibar key for your room.”
A random piece of advice, but I
followed it. After checking in, I asked
a bellhop for help carrying several
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