International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1

If you have ever dropped water into an
almost dry wash you will know the feeling
of panic and frustration as you watch the
gathering ring of pigment float and intensify
as the paper dries.
This example shows the
stumps of an old jetty. A simple
way to suggest reflections is
to wet the area under the still
wet stumps and gently drag a
dry hake brush vertically down
over the marks. Several gentle
strokes should be enough
to drag the suggestion of
reflections into the water.
If you catch this problem while everything is still damp, a gentle working over with a dry
hake brush will magically make the blemish disappear. The secret is to keep the brush dry
and very gently and quickly feather it in different directions to smooth out the pigment.

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