International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1
Professional Artist 25

PRO • fessional Artist


Rembrandt Secrets

Van Gogh Style™





Paintings That Sparkle™



Exciting new
releases to sharpen
your skills!


Artists tend to focus on an individual
painting, with the exhibition being
a collection of those paintings.

» However, what if the focus was shifted
to the exhibition, and it was just
one in a series of exhibitions?

Then there’d be a diff erent mindset.

» How you approach exhibitions is
an extension of this thinking.
» Do you do that?

A career can then be an ongoing
stream of exhibitions.

» Be proactive about generating this
income stream if you know what to do.

A successful artist should
have this knowledge.

» Can you identify the characteristics
necessary for a sell-out exhibition?
» Most artists do not even believe this is
possible so they don’t think about it!

But it shouldn’t matter what you paint
for artwork doesn’t sell itself.

» If it did, you’d be able to hang your work
anywhere and people would buy it.

There needs to be a correlation between
what you do and how it is sold.

» But obviously something is done to
make sell-out exhibitions happen.

But just one artist having a sell-out
exhibition doesn’t prove anything.

» That depends on special knowledge,
contacts, opportunities they have.

It’s people like you who have to
have the sell-out exhibitions.

» If you are somewhat skeptical
that’s understandable.

The key element is people
willing to buy your work.
» Then these people can be leveraged
into major career momentum.
» You need sales and marketing strategies
major galleries give main artists.

Sales in a well-known gallery
are quite public.
» That is a launching pad for continued
success and sustained artistic career.
» So you need a marketing campaign
aimed at the gallery of your choice.

This is not necessarily what most
other artists say you should do.
» But someone has to do it.
» Otherwise you will be exhibiting at a
gallery that doesn’t know what to do.

There’s a lot of day to day stuff in any
profession, including for an artist.
» Meeting people, phone calls, entering
competitions, framing, fi nances, etc.

The more successful you are
the more of it there is.
» You do all this yourself initially but
eventually you need an agent.

By then you’ll know exactly
what you want them to do.
» Instead of the agent telling you what they
want, you’ll fi nd one who does what you want.

Do you know anyone interested in the best
ways to earn more from exhibitions?
» If so please tell them about my book
» It’s available through

Best wishes in your art career in
2019 and the future as well.


How a series of exhibitions can help you sell your

work to collectors, old and new. By Graeme Smith

Free download pdf