International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1

Song Qing


he beauty of life can be found
everywhere, but the most
important thing is how to discover
it. Even an ordinary scenery has its
beauty, and this can be turned into

a watercolor painting by artists with
their brush.  ere are a number of
techniques needed to express your
inner feelings and create the poetic
beauty of the picture with a paintbrush,

such as composition, color, moisture,
brushwork, choice, virtual reality, etc.
 rough the comprehensive application
of these techniques, you will eventually
get satisfactory results.




Poetic Beauty

Song Qing translates the beauty of ordinary scenes through
composition, color and brushwork

Shoal, watercolor, 30 x 40 cm (12 x 15¾")
This painting was written in Lianyungang City, a shallow beach, a pile of reefs smashed by sea water and a few small fi shing boats in the rest. These scenes
are so casual under the sun, but it is a beautiful landscape.
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