International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1
Watercolour Demonstration 91

Song Qing is a member of the Chinese Artists Association,
deputy director of the Watercolor Artists Committee of
the Shaanxi Provincial Artists Association, and the head
of the “West China Watercolor Network.” Now he is an
associate professor of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and a
master’s tutor. In 2008, he participated in the fi rst China
Watercolor High School, and visited the French Art City
in Paris in 2011. In 2016, his art was approved by the
National Art Foundation. His works have been selected

into national art exhibitions and various professional art
exhibitions. He was a judge of the 2018 Malaysia’s fi rst
international watercolor exhibition. He has been selected
into international watercolor exhibitions in the United
States, Italy, Britain, Mexico, Ukraine, Czech Republic,
Malaysia, Turkey, Japan and Korea.

Contact at
[email protected]


Streets of Milan, watercolor,
19 x 14 cm (7½ x 5½")
When painting the trees,
pay attention to its the
relationship with the house
and the street lamp. The
space for the street lamp
should be preserved from
the beginning, and it should
be drawn only after the tree
has been finished. At this
time, details such as the
car in the foreground, the
shadows cast from the light,
the texture of the road, and
the windows of the building,
should be adjusted to
complete the picture.
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