medical matters, diet, vitamins, healthy
habits, and exercise (the 6th). You’ll want
state of the art information on the best
way to lose weight, combat fatigue, build
muscle mass, boost your cardio work-
out, and find the fastest route to access
prescription medicines. Online trending
keeps you informed, but if it’s yesterday’s
news it’s discarded. You want results and
you want them now.
HLOVE: First Week. You’re lured to
someone who hears a distant drummer,
and you’re picking up the beat and play-
ing in time. Second Week. Your signifi-
cant other becomes a homebody, due to
preference or lack of funds. You’ll coop-
erate to a point, and then roam around.
Third Week. Partners are at your side
on foot, planes, trains, or automobiles.
Learn, discover, and compare notes until
the wee hours. Fourth Week. Your mate
insists that romantic encounters become
private affairs shrouded in secrecy. A slip
of the tongue sparks controversy.
HMONEY: Bills bring the blues, and
not because of lack of funds. Making
timely payments becomes a chore, despite
the convenience of technology. Keeping
track of accounts robs you of your time
and energy; resources that are best spent
covering territory, whether outdoors or in
across your intellectual terrain. The Moon
transits Capricorn on the 4th and 5th, your
house of your cash flow (the 2nd). Take
care of business on these days to avoid
issues about dereliction of duties.
HHEALTH: On the 15th and 16th the
Moon transits Taurus, your house of
health maintenance, diet, and your daily
routine (the 6th). All systems are up and
running, as long as you can move around
at your own pace and eat a variety of
natural food. Exercise is part and parcel
of your restless temperament; your daily
activity is chock full of aerobic move-
ment. The New Moon in Scorpio on the
27th sends you behind closed doors to
recuperate from your rigorous routine.
HLOVE: First Week. Chatting with a
new face in a group setting makes your
heart go pitter-patter. Just keep talking.
Second Week. Romance comes on strong
at first, but is on and off by the end of
the week. Third Week. Mutual interests
in the arts and music have a magnet-
ic impact, and you’re off and running
with a new love interest. Fourth Week.
Companionship morphs into commitment
under the right circumstances, but suspi-
cions lurk in the background. Bring them
out into the open.
HMONEY: The Moon transits Aquarius
on the 7th and 8th, the house of your cash
flow (the 2nd). You’ll welcome state
of the art technology to streamline your
accounts receivable and accounts payable
and determine your bottom line. Apps and
software for this purpose eliminate fuss
and free up more time for you to pursue
other interests. The Full Moon in Aries
on the 13th finds you spending more on
family and household expenses, but you
won’t count the pennies.
HHEALTH: On the 3rd Pluto stations
direct in Capricorn, the house of your
vitality (the 1st). Your energy levels will
either rise to full tilt or be depleted to the
point of exhaustion. Either way you’ll
feel the change and use it to your best
advantage. A power nap gets you back
on your feet in no time and keeps you
diligent and productive. Mid-month finds
24 Horoscope Guide