Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 55

the Sun spend time in Scorpio. You may

have strong feelings about the direction

your life is taking. If you are unhappy

about what’s been happening, you

can review your priorities and recent

decisions to see if you should make


Saturn (your ruling planet) and Pluto

are guiding you through a personal

transformation. Saturn will be in your

sign until March 21, 2020, and then will

return briefly from July 1 to December

17, 2020, before settling into Aquarius

for a longer stay. Pluto will remain in

Capricorn until 2024. If you use this

time wisely, you can become a person of

considerable authority.

Power days: 1, 10, 15, 19, 20, 25, 28.
Goal for this month: Always meet

deadlines and be punctual.


Your life is rather hectic now, as

a variety of issues, large and small,

require your attention. You wish there

were more hours in the day, but you

have to get things done in the hours

that you have. Although you like to

be independent, this is one time when

you can ask for help. If your work or

business seems to be taking too much

time or effort, just look around and you

are likely to find willing helpers.

If you examine the calendar, you can

probably schedule at least some of your

activities to take place when you aren’t so

busy. Next month or even next year may be

a better time to do the activities that don’t

absolutely have to be done right now.

Avoid heavy lifting and other

physically strenuous jobs, especially on

October 7, 12, 13, 20, 21, and 27. You

could enjoy relaxing with supportive
friends and mentors on October 8, 16,
19, or 28. Keep the arrangements simple.
Power days: 1, 9, 15, 19, 23.
Goal for this month: Work on
relationships that you cherish.


Lovely Neptune, your ruling planet,
is retrograde in your sign, and Uranus
is retrograde in Taurus. Although this
need not cause serious problems, it can
slow your progress or bring delays.
Communication, computer issues, or
mail delivery may be affected. You may
feel burnt out or deeply tired. This is a
good time to focus on rest, meditation,
reading, and other quiet activities. You
really need to get away for a while, and
preferably by yourself. Avoid crowds of
all kinds. Stay away from bars, rowdy
clubs, busy malls, and other places
where people may become disruptive or
If your work, family obligations, or
business needs feel even more tedious or
overwhelming than usual, your body is
giving you a strong signal that you need
to slow your pace. Pay attention to your
instincts and gut feelings. Don’t waste
any time analyzing the situation. Pack a
small suitcase and go on a retreat. Even
just a day or weekend at a nearby spa or
resort can refresh your body, mind, and
spirit. You’ve earned a nice long rest!
Power days: 9, 13, 19, 20, 23, 28.
Goal for this month: You are
emotional by nature, which can add
stress to your life. You need to include
some form of relaxation, such as yoga,
music, reading or meditation, in your
daily schedule. P
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