Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 85


1st Tues.—You’re the organizer of the zodiac, Virgo.
Sorting out the minutiae for kids, teen, athletes, and
artists consumes your time; the results are something
to brag about.
2nd Wed.—Leaving the endless household and family
concerns on the shelf while you enjoy yourself is a temp-
tation, and you’ll likely succumb to it. A burden is shifted.
3rd Thurs.—Mars enters Libra, the house of your assets
and income (the 2nd). Accounts receivable and payable
are a juggling act; balance requires expertise.
4th Fri.—Opportunity knocks to follow sports and artistic
pursuits with great diligence, and colleagues provide the
facts and figures here, especially regarding instruction.
5th Sat.—Immersing yourself in a hobby becomes an
all-consuming project. Disciplining temperamental kids
and teens fairly comes into focus; lay down the law.
6th Sun.—A deeply rooted issue works itself to the
surface, and confronting it has a regenerative affect.
Spending on the arts and entertainment becomes all or
7th Mon.—The Sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn,
presenting an obstacle course with an authority figure.
Restrictions arise with your cash flow; pay the bills first.
8th Tues.—Venus enters Scorpio, your house of com-
mutes, communication, siblings, and neighbors (the 3rd).
Social interactions can have an unpleasant undercurrent.
9th Wed.—Unpleasant topics are discussed with your
mate, but the outcomes are revealing once they’re
put into action. An educated point of view offers some
10th Thurs.—Reaching back into the past provides
insight for a present or future problem. Dialogue with a
sweetheart helps you take a romance to the next level.
11th Fri.—Your significant other has big plans that need
a more narrow and applicable focus. Merge idealism with
reality for optimum effect, and manage resources wisely.
12th Sat.—Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde
in Taurus, making rapport with neighbors, instructors,
and siblings on-again and off-again. Cupid blows hot
and cold.
13th Sun.—The Full Moon in Aries shines in the house of
financial settlements, insurance, loans, debts, and taxes
(the 8th). Snap decisions are made here.
14th Mon.—The Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn,
presenting difficulties with finances and fair play. Costs
concerning kids and creativity come under sharp scrutiny.
15th Tues.—Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune retro-
grade in Pisces, bringing delicate points to the surface
for discussion. Imaginative scenarios get your undivided
16th Wed.—Financial plans fall into place through mutu-
al agreement. Kids and teens display stability and matu-
rity while still having fun in an educational environment.
17th Thurs.—Bosses are more talkative than usual

as they watch you multitask and run damage control
simultaneously. Unpleasant decisions about spending
and saving arise.
18th Fri.—Family issues become exaggerated and dis-
torted. Domestic chores need attention, but despite
your penchant for cleanliness the housekeeper’s now
on strike.
19th Sat.—Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn,
giving you a chance to bring taboo topics into conversa-
tion. Kids, teens, athletes, and artists will plumb the
20th Sun.—Commitments in romance take center stage,
and you’ll be inclined to give one-hundred percent.
Siblings and neighbors contribute their share to a party
21st Mon.—Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces,
bringing a touch of the poet into your relationship. Films
and novels with Hollywood endings enlighten and inspire.
22nd Tues.—You’ll insist that a certain situation be
taken behind closed doors, and will help see it through
to the end. Good will prevails after perfunctory duties are
23rd Wed.—Emotional responses conflict with rational
decisions. Shared experiences with others generate
camaraderie, and common sense supersedes intellectual
24th Thurs.—Your sharp criticism, particularly toward
your significant other, comes on strong. Kids get it too,
but with less irritation. Not everyone’s standards are up
to yours.
25th Fri.—Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn,
presenting you with a prospective love interest right in
your own neighborhood. Your observations are astute.
26th Sat.—Your eagle eye is required in accounts
receivable and payable, and balancing the two illustrates
lopsided spending on sports, kids, and recreational
27th Sun.—The New Moon in Scorpio stimulates the
house of siblings, neighbors, commutes, and commu-
nication (the 3rd). Desires here run deep, and one will
28th Mon.—A romantic attraction lurks nearby, perhaps
in an outdoor setting or in a place of instruction. An older,
established professional catches your eye. Look twice.
29th Tues.—Passion rises to the surface, but you may
be hesitant to act on it. Certain suspicions come into play,
and you won’t rest until they’ve been dispelled.
30th Wed.—Mercury conjoins Venus in Scorpio, merging
words with feelings, so you can express the emotions
that aroused you yesterday. Speak up; make a friendly
31st Thurs.—Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio,
creating problems in transportation, communication, and
connections. Reroute commutes, revise messages.
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