Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 87


1st Tues.—You walk the middle line, Libra. Maintaining
traditions while welcoming progressive trends highlights
your impartial viewpoint. Finances are allocated fairly.
2nd Wed.—Transactions are best held behind closed
doors, away from prying eyes and quizzical comments.
Outspoken remarks give credence to your sense of fair
3rd Thurs.—Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, your
house of family roots, real estate, and your home (the
4th). A turn of events here will require changes ahead.
4th Fri.—Open dialogues with elders and other family
members shed new light on an old issue. Insurance
policies and other expenses are impacted, but you’ll
reconcile it all.
5th Sat.—You’re back to traditions, generational traits,
and legacies. Housing issues keep you rooted to the
spot despite inconvenience. Parenting roles take center
6th Sun.—Financial ramifications arise from yesterday’s
scenario, and you’ll adjudicate them with your usual
aplomb. Settlements, credit, and loans come into play.
7th Mon.—Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus retro-
grade in Taurus, sending you into a balancing act with
incoming and outgoing expenses. The bottom line is
elusive at best.
8th Tues.—Venus enters Scorpio, the house of your
assets and income (the 2nd). Your money is mixed up
with others’; you have to sort it out. Things get lost in
the shuffle.
9th Wed.—Economizing on household staples and
everyday expenses frees up cash along with options.
Eliminating frills encourages some improvisation.
10th Thurs.—Open communication lines with hired help
and medical personnel streamline your many tasks. The
bulk of household management is yours.
11th Fri.—Language barriers allow the finer points to
slip through the cracks, but the facts come through.
Making minor sacrifices is helpful in your daily routine.
12th Sat.—Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde
in Taurus, throwing a monkey wrench into your monetary
plans. Sudden expenses require quick adjustments.
13th Sun.—The Full Moon in Aries illuminates the house
of competition, confrontation, and relationships (the 7th).
Partners have an epiphany and take immediate action
on it.
14th Mon.—The Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn,
presenting hurdles in finances, family matters, and real
estate. Repairs and upgrades loom large, but so do the
15th Tues.—Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune retro-
grade in Pisces, putting your intuition to work on hiring
help, medical matters, and tuning into furry friends.
16th Wed.—An element of secrecy may be required
regarding a sensitive family issue. Discussing it privately

later this evening confirms whether or not to make it
17th Thurs.—An injustice crosses your path, and there
you go seeing both sides of the situation and weighing all
the pros and cons. Soon a verdict appears, and all is well.
18th Fri.—Confusion takes center stage with medical
practitioners, contractors, and tech support. Dietary
regulations are ignored, and job skills are questioned or
19th Sat.—Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn,
inclining you to spend on upgrading your home. Family
dynamics are improved by discussing taboo topics.
20th Sun.—Domestic duties brush up against profes-
sional ones, and higher-ups are unsympathetic. Elders
give sound advice and help manage your responsibilities.
21st Mon.—Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune retrograde
in Pisces, bringing you a stroke of luck with medical con-
cerns, hiring staff, and pet care. Compassion overflows.
22nd Tues.—Friends extend a warm welcome, and
new faces are quickly absorbed into your social circle.
Generosity in fund-raising helps to make the world a
better place.
23rd Wed.—The Sun enters Scorpio, the house of your
cash flow (the 2nd). Monies merge, creating opportuni-
ties that would otherwise be missed. Loans and debts
24th Thurs.—Take some downtime to recuperate from
minor medical problems and regain your precious equi-
librium. Elders need discretion and you’ll pave the way
for it.
25th Fri.—Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn,
making it easy for you to budget for domestic upgrades.
Resale value looms large, as does your good taste.
26th Sat.—You find yourself in an ethical dilemma,
and a certain sore point keeps your mind in perpetual
motion. Traditions are admired, but fair play demands
27th Sun.—The New Moon in Scorpio activates the
house of your income and assets (the 2nd). A change
in values and spending habits is just around the corner;
wait for it.
28th Mon.—You’re back to relying on your intuition to
help you get to the root of a problem about a malady, staff
issues, and job skills. Solutions appear serendipitously.
29th Tues.—Investing in yourself and your marketability
puts your best foot forward and out the door. A conflu-
ence of ideas and plans of action will be put to good use.
30th Wed.—Mercury conjoins Venus in Scorpio, and
talking about moving in a new direction is the best way to
approach it. Hedge your bets from every financial angle.
31st Thurs.—Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio,
sending you on a mission to rethink your approach to
increasing your income and reinvesting what you already
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