Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 89


1st Tues.—You’re shrewd and secretive, Scorpio. The
Moon transits your sign, the house of your perspective
(the 1st), giving double emphasis to its characteristics.
2nd Wed.—A skilled colleague lends valuable assistance
in technology, medicine, or organization. A quiet celebra-
tion later this evening helps you show your appreciation.
3rd Thurs.—Mercury enters Scorpio, making you think
like a detective even when it isn’t necessary. Suspicions
escalate, but you’ll keep them private. See all, say
4th Fri.—Messages and information need to be priori-
tized before you take any action. Taking a nuts-and-bolts
approach to problem-solving serves you well; your mate
5th Sat.—Facts and figures need to be gathered, pro-
cessed, and compiled into neat, concise packages.
Once you’ve got the details in place you’re able to plan
6th Sun.—Now your suspicions take center stage, and
you’ll use them against neighbors, siblings, and mes-
sengers. Smiling faces have hidden agendas. So do you.
7th Mon.—Your sixth sense comes into play about open
enemies, your significant other, and competitors. Flashes
of insight lead to solutions, and to torrents of sharp words.
8th Tues.—Venus enters Scorpio, the house of your
appearance and vitality (the 1st). Your James Bond
persona comes out, regardless of your gender. Bedroom
eyes prevail.
9th Wed.—Cupid’s arrow flies, and lands on a free-think-
ing artist who has an ethereal appearance, but is ground-
ed and practical. Subtle signals are sent out; pay close
10th Thurs.—Keep the conversation going with yester-
day’s love interest and note the excellent conversational
ability that speaks on a broad range of topics. Run the
11th Fri.—Spending more than usual on your love life
won’t come as a surprise, given your circumstances. A
night on the town hits all the right notes, with even more
to come.
12th Sat.—Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde
in Taurus, creating magnetic attractions that have an
electrifying effect, but turn-ons can instantly become
13th Sun.—The Full Moon in Aries shines on the house
of diet, chores, staff, and medical issues (the 6th). You
want questions on these matters answered immediately.
14th Mon.—The Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn,
creating shenanigans in private quarters. You’ll machinate
with stealth, but with a charming demeanor.
15th Tues.—Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune ret-
rograde in Pisces, opening up communication lines
with kids, athletes, artists, and sweethearts. Creativity

16th Wed.—Use yesterday’s fluent conversation to your
partner and watch lucrative plans take root and grow.
Financial prospects brighten later in the evening.
17th Thurs.—Discuss business transactions behind
closed doors, and make certain that funds are allocated
fairly. Otherwise, discrepancies may slow things down.
18th Fri.—Overspending on your love life puts a gleam in
your loved one’s eye, but a steady stream of hefty debits
in your cash flow. Make do with less, or face the music.
19th Sat.—Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn,
helping you probe a document, message, or conversation
until you get to the root of the problem.
20th Sun.—Friendly bonds form with neighbors, sib-
lings, cousins, commuters, and couriers. Commitments
are made and kept, and messages reinforce the ties
that bind.
21st Mon.—Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune retrograde
in Pisces, enabling you to fall in love and romanticize
commonplace situations. Cupid’s in flight and having a
field day.
22nd Tues.—Running damage control with a member of
the top brass shows off your ability to keep a cool head
in a crisis. Keep the peace under difficult circumstances.
23rd Wed.—Someone’s ego is getting in the way of prog-
ress, but stay cool. Your mate has incisive observations
about prioritizing and getting a job well done.
24th Thurs.—Friendship clashes with romantic pursuits;
tread carefully to avoid hurt feelings. Getting right to the
point in a conversation eliminates doubts and suspicions.
25th Fri.—Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn,
presenting a prospective love interest in your locale.
Opportunity knocks for financial gain through careful
26th Sat.—Cupid’s antics in private quarters can rock the
boat and create unforeseen dilemmas. Traditional values
come into play, but not everyone wants to participate.
27th Sun.—The New Moon in Scorpio activates the
house of your appearance, vitality, and perspective (the
1st). You’ll see through situations where others can’t or
28th Mon.—A more refreshed outlook has a ripple effect
on your emails, texts, and phone messages. Forgiveness
flows more easily than usual; minor slights are over-
29th Tues.—Deep feelings are percolating, and sorting
them out can be a complex process. Issues of control and
domination rise to the surface, but keep mum about them.
30th Wed.—Now you can talk about yesterday’s reac-
tions, but don’t expect instant understanding and com-
passion. Clear sailing results after all your cards are on
the table.
31st Thurs.—Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio,
causing you to revisit certain unhappy scenarios. Lighten
up, and be willing to cooperate and compromise.
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