alongside someof the cars fromthis issue’s ‘Future Icons’ group for our
newsstand cover. Nevertheless, it would berude, wouldn’t it, tonot
takeadvantage of the opportunity, sowithjust a few minutes of track
timeleft I venture outonto the circuit, fl ick past Sport modeand into
Corsa, and let the V10 really sing.
It’s hardlya lengthy orconclusivetrack session, but it stillspeaks
volumes about the Evo’s deportment. It explodesdownthe straights,
ripping to 8000 rpminthe lower gears,and brakeswithallthe
convictionyou might expect, and I’msoonpitching the Evo into
Anglesey’s broad hairpinstoseewhathappens whenit beginsto
move around.The answeris nothing. AsmuchasI try todeliberately
unsettle the car – and withESP off – the Evo wants to doone thing and
one thing only: it will grip,and grip,and thenit starts topushwide
at the front. Myfi rst reactionis toberougher withthe car, togetit to
break traction, but that’s a mistake: for allits bombast the Evo needs
a muchmoredelicateapproach, and anacceptanceofwhatit is and
whatit needs togetthe best fromit. It doesn’t feela natural track
car, but that’s nottosay it can’t scythearoundthe lap inconvincing
fashion, and despite the feeling ofheftthere’s analmost hyper-
real sense of agility.
This agility is bornfromsomeclevertechnology – something to
ponderonasI say goodbye tothe rest oftheevoteamand headeast,
tothe hills and moorland ofthe Peaks, for a truer testofthe Evo’s
capabilities. The key component issomething calledLDVI. I won’t
giveyou the full Italian onthis one, savetosay that it is anelectronic
brainthat analyseseverything via the usual raft ofsensors, and then
adaptsallthe dynamic elementsofthe car tosuit. Infact, notonly
doesit adapt, it usespredictivelogic toknowwhatyou needbefore
you knowyourself. It includesthe newrear-wheel-steerset-upthat
works in conjunctionwiththe latest versionof Lamborghini’s Dynamic
Steering, the four-wheel-drivesystem,a new torque-vectoring facility
and the adaptivedamping. This gives the Evo tremendous potential to
master any roadin any conditions, perhaps beyondthe abilities of even
its more potent supercarrivals.