popular politicianin thecountry today,is working
towardsa consensusto ensurevictory of the candidatehe
Withthe presidentialelectionsslatedfor December
7thisyear,it is veryclearthatthevariationsof the
theme of “strongleader”will be played out. The
differencesbetween the communitieswillonlygrowas
politicians seek to takeadvantage of thecurrent
Sirisena’s releaseof GnanasaraThero,whowasjailed
for contempt of court,andhis talking toughwiththe
Inspector General of Policeandasking theDefence
Kathiravelu Nithyananda Douglas
Devananda,secretarygeneralof the Eelam
People’s DemocraticParty(EPDP),rep-
resents Sri Lanka’snorthernJaffnaelect-
oraldistrict. A former memberof the
Eelam Revolutionary Organisation
(EROS),a militant groupwhichwasstar-
ted in 1975tofight for the causeof a separ-
ate TamilEelam,Devananda wastrained
in armed combat by the Al Fatahfaction of
the Palestine Liberation Organisation
(PLO) in the 1970s.He wasalsoa founder-member of
theEelamPeople’s RevolutionaryLiberationFront
(EPRLF).In 1986,he formedtheEPDP. Afterthe
India-SriLankaAgreement of 1987,Devananda moved
to parliamentary politicsandemergedas the mostvocal
criticof the LiberationTigersof TamilEelam(LTTE)
insideandoutsideParliament. He surviveda record 13
assassinationattemptsby theLTTE. Hedrawshis
electoralstrengthfromnorthernSri Lankaandhas
beena CabinetMinisterin the governmentsof Presid-
ents Chandrika Kumaratunga and Mahinda Ra-
japaksa. DevanandaalsospeaksSinhalaandhasgood
linksevenwithhard-lineSinhalaleaders.In thisinter-
view,he placesin contexttheTamil andMuslim
Sri Lankahas too manyproblems rightnow.Even
the festering issueof the rightsof the Tamil
people has not beensettled.Withone more
minority communityunderattack, whatare the
chancesof a solution to the Tamilquestion?
Thequestionof Tamilpeople’srights shouldhave
beensettledwiththesigningof theIndia-SriLanka
accord. At thattime,about 651TamilTigersanda total
of about2,000peoplehadlosttheirlives.Butbecause
thisopportunitywasnotseized,many thousandswere
killedindiscriminately untilthe endof the warin Mulli-
vaikkal[in2009].So wherewasthemistake?The
Tamilleadership did not use the opportunitywhichwas
presentedto them.Thisis ourstand.
Forthelongesttime, I havebeensaying thatthe
[implementationof the]13thAmendment[to the Sri
Lankan Constitution] is theonlyworkableandprac-
ticalsolution.EvenIndiasaidat the UNHRCin Geneva
lastyearthatthe full implementationof the
13thAmendmentwasthesolutionto the
Tamilproblem.EvenPresident Maithrip-
ala Sirisena hassaidthathis government
willnotbe ableto go beyondtheimple-
mentationof the 13thAmendment.
The13thAmendment is partof the Sri
LankanConstitution.Thereis no needfor a
two-thirds majority to implementthisbe-
causeit is already a partof the Constitution.
If thishasto be madea reality,theTamil
leadership shouldcomeforward andapplypressure....
If thishadbeenachieved, it wouldhavebeeneasierto
makeincremental progressfromthatpoint.
Whichevergovernmentcomesto power,if a solu-
tionto anyof the outstandingissuesis not foundwithin
six months to a year, thenit will not be possibletofind
oneat a laterdate. Thisis a realityfor anygovernment.
Whenthisgovernment cameto power,thereweremany
thingsit couldhaveaccomplished.Butit did not.
Whataboutthe currentproblems facing the
Muslimsin Sri Lanka?
As far as Muslims are concerned, theydid nothave
anyserious problems here.Theylivedin manypartsof
Sri Lankaandweredoingwell.Theyconsideredthem-
selvesas a separateethnicity,eventhough theyspeak
Tamil.Thewomenfromthe community beganwearing
the hijabandabayaeventhoughit wasnotpartof Sri
LankanMuslimculture, possiblybecausetheycanbe
identified as different.... Theyhavecreatedproblems
for themselves.
They [Muslim politicians] havebeenin powerfor a
longtime.Beingin powerfor longencourages peopleto
act withimpunity. Somein the communityhavebeen
behavingwithimpunity. Also,whyis it thatknivesand
swordsare storedin placesof worship? It is obviously
not to cut the grassthere.Theyare storedfor a purpose
andthatis a problem.
landsbelongingto Tamilswereforciblytakenaway,
thoseof Tamildescent weretargetedfor detentionand
otherpunitivemeasures, anddemocratic protestsof the
Tamilpeoplewereput downwitha heavyhand.Thatis
whyTamilsneededa solution.
‘Sri Lanka needs a strong leadership’